Monday, 8 September 2008

What leads to success?????

Go to>>>

Before we are doing the exam on Wednesday, we tried to listen and lecture from an internet>> with topic how to success, is it lucky???

I was a quite understood what he said and what was about??

What leads to success in your life or people are lucky??

It could be divided into 8 parts in successful in life

  1. Passion(n)= doing something with love and care not only doing for money.

  2. Work= work for fun and workaholic. Some people are hard work, they were becoming workaholic and seriouly everything.

  3. Focus= focus or concentrate only one thing, it will be susscessful.

  4. Persist= it is widely believed that a person who has a persistence that are successful in carrer and study.

  5. Idea= it should listen, observe, curcious, ask question and problem solve.

  6. Good

  7. Push= you should push yourself not another push you. you should have motivation doing something and doing with your mind.

  8. Serve= serve knowledge and opinion as a doctor.

4 things make you failure..

  • Criticism

  • Reject

  • Asshole

  • Pressure

Do You Know The big News>>>risen oyster card

It is a bad news for people and forign students>>>Why does transport need to rise the fee?

The mayor of transportation in London agreed to risen the fare fee due to he need increased fares were needed to pay for massive investments into new rail links and better services.

Now the the price of a single paper ticket for the underground will now cost at least £4.

On the one hand, Oyster fares that haven't risen include a single journey on the Tube, which is still £1.50, and the peak-time bus fares remain at £1.

What kinds of oyster card do you use and Do u have the effect in risen price?


  • fork(v)= split

(n)= the material we use during the meal

  • exorbitant(adj)= excessive, over priced

Friday, 5 September 2008

Successfull in presentation on Tuesday

On Tuesday 9 September 2008, we will have professional presrntation in topic ' Effect of globalisation on our subject. So i find some more information in presentation how to successful...

First of all we need to know the needs of our audience and match our contents to their needs.

Secondly, we need to really understand though in material, then practice before real presentation then we will know on strong and weak point of presentation. During we are presrnting we should have eye contact to the audience and pretend to be an actor and performing to the audiences. Futhermore, dress appropriately for the occasion, present the desired image to our audience.

Look pleasant, enthusiastic, confident, proud, but not arrogant. Remain calm. Appear relaxed, even if we feel nervous. We have to make sure that our voice is strong and loud enough.

Coming into the last one, we should have body language with the audience in order to making enjoyable atmosphere.


Goog Luck All of My Love Friend

The diferrence between to infinitive and V+ing

Summarize grammar before the exam.

Some verbs are followed by to+V inf but not V+ing;

Verb with>>>agree, aim, ask, decline, demand, fail, hesitate, hope, hurry ,manage, offer, plan, prepare, refuse, want, wish.

Some verbs are followed by V+ing but not to V+inf;

Verb with>>>admit, avoid, consider, delay, deny, detest, dread, feel like, finish, imagine, miss ,risk and suggest

But Some verbs can follow by V+inf and V+ing but in the meaning of sentence will be changed as well>>>> begin, cease, start and continue. However it normally avoid using V+ing becuase it repeats pattern can sound like uncomfortable.

For example; He is starting to write the Globalization eassay >>not He is starting writing the Globalization eassay.


The verbs advise and encouraeg are followed by V+ing but if there is no object and V+inf when there is one such as....
  • She'd advise taking more excercise

  • I would advise you to take more excercise

Then the verbs can followed by both of V+inf and V+ing>>>come,go on, mean ,regret, remember, stop and try.

How differnt meaning

  • He stopped to make a cup of coffee>>> meaned that why he stop doing something.

  • They stopped laughing when I walked inside>>> mean that what it is that they stop doing.

Practice Paraphrasing Skill


When you paraphrase another author's writing you rewrite their argument using your own words, phrasing and interpreting it in your own way.

How to paraphrase:

  • Change the vocabulary.

  • Reorganise the structure of the argument.

  • Cite the author directly, for example.
For instance; the yellow book page 30:

The paraphrase(1):

It is generally considered that every year has bicycling death more than a thousand and head injuries are the main caused. The evidencence can prove that bike helmet is the best protector to secure in head injuries because of it absorb and soften (Smith,1990).

The paraphrase(2):

According to the skycraper, Sear Tower was built by William Lemessurier is going to be the argrument between architectors becuse they don't want to have a world's highest building. On the one hand, other architectors, Robert Sobel agree in countinuing to produce the tallest building (Bachman,1990:15).

Monday, 1 September 2008

Bye Bye Olympic in Beijing>>>come to London in 2012

On Sunday 24th August 2008, the Beijing Game had officially come to the end of Olympic.

Sixteen days, 204 countries, thousands of athletes, 43 world records and countless lasting memories. China had the greatest closing ceremony show by the thoudsand of fireworks, song by popular singers in each countries included Leona Lewis, the representative of the Great Britain and David Beckhams had participation also and dance and the athletes themselves.

It could be shown that China was not weakness and poor country and in addition the China was well known in unequal human right anymore. They became a nation and international country in tourism and business industry owing to China has had many labours and resources.

But in the other side, China was accused the committees were not unfair inthe games and the little singer girl was not the real voice and fake fireworks as well. In gerneral the Olympic in China was the greatest and wounderful for another country and it could made people around the world were impressive and good memorize for a long time. Next Olympic in 2012, the London takes over to be the host. At the Olympic in Beijing event organisers were well done in planning management and marketing because they specified the appropriate date as 8/8/o8( 8 August 2008) it was easy memory and they believed that it was luckiness date then well organization in place and amazing show, they could present the real tradition and culture of China. We are waiting to look forward London host of Olympic in 2012.

Thursday, 28 August 2008

Dilek homework

Summarise the sentence

Most people believed that the cause of death language is not from Englisg language but it depends on government in each countries had decided which language should be monolingual.

Appropriate sentence

It is better to use impersonal phrases rather than>>>>> I think.....

  • It is widely believed that......

  • Most people consider that

  • It is probeble/possible that....

  • This evidence suggests that....

  • However, if you want to present a minority point of view,......

  • It can be argued that.....

  • It has been suggested that....

  • Some people believed that....

  • It is generally agreed that.....

  • A common viewpoint is that....

  • Recent research has suggested that.....

The title below I put the advantages and disadvantages by separating into practicle and social advantages and disadvantages

Practicle advantage>>>convenient social advantage>>>afforable

Practicle disadvantage>>>unhealthy social disadvantage>>>taking over national culture and encourage obesity

For example:

Most people consider that fast food is the most convenient to buy and consume ,futhermore, the price is not expensive if compare with organic food. It is generally agreed that people can afforable. However it can be argued that fast food has less valuable in food, in addition it is taking over national food culture. It has been suggestesd that people who having a lot of fast foos or junk food, they have more risk chance to be an obesity.

Friday, 22 August 2008

Summarise " More open trade raises income and the incomes of the poor"

Today I had to present and summaried the article " More open trade raises incomes and the incomes of the poor" I could listed the summaries as.....

In November,2001 World Bank in Doha, Qatar had agreement to support the economy and income of the country by unlocked low income countries out of rich country.There is a growing consensus that greater openness to tradional trade has a positive effect on country income.

The impact of freer trade on the incomes of the poor suggest that higher average incomes in country are generally associated with higher incomes of the poor this can like applies to incomes increase caused by more trade. However, success of international trade opening often affected by climate and quality of intituion and other factors so that means it cannot guarantee the outcome of the county becase it depends on the factors.

Feedback of my presentation

I think I need to improve speaking skill and more practice in presentation because during I was presenting, I was nervous and can't complied the sentence. So next presentation I must practice speaking as much as I can and memorize by heart.

Tips on effective listening

Friday 22 August 2008:

Dilek gave us a listening tips to succssful because next Thuseday we are having a lecture in Globalization topic. So we need to practice our listening.

Tops 10 way to listen lecture.

  1. Choose to find the subject useful.

- The listener choose listena and attention to the main point and discover new knowlege.

2. Concentrate on the words and message.

-Attemp to pick the lecturer main idea.What is he/she saying.

3. If you cannot catch and really don't understand the lectures, TRY TO THINK CAREFULLY AND SLOWLY REACT.

- Don't skip your misunderstanding, try to continue listening and you will get more details.

4. Identify the "big ideas" a basic of the concept to which everything in the lecture is related.

- the listener should try to understand the concept then grab the key idea and point of the whole lecture.

5. Flexible in note-taking.

-Adjust your note-taking to the organizational pattern used by the lecturer.

6. Stay attentive.

- Remain concentrated and try to absorb the materail.

7. Aggressively tackle difficult material.

-They ensure interested in the subject and find another way making understand and find a challenge in grasping the meaning of what is being said .

8. Don't get derailed by emotionally charged "buzz" words that trigger negative responses.

- Dont make the noise from baggage and disturb other people that make concentrate lost.

9. Get to know the professor personally.

- Pick up inetresting fects about lecturer sucha s personal life.

10. Understand and use the differential between the speed of speaking and the speed of thinking.

  • Riding the crest of the wave by trying to anticipate the next point of the lecture.

  • Evaluating what the lecturer is using for supporting evidence.

  • Summarizing the lecture to themselves.

Interesting listening skill websites.




Thursday, 21 August 2008


I read an interesting article about business case study at bbc website then I done in the gap maker.

Colocation vocabuaries in the article
1.analyst 2.availability, 3.fees 4.indication 5. job 6.period 7.potential 8. recovery 9.restructured 10.restructuring 11.sector 12. significant 13. sites 14 stabilised

  • The significant in Event Marketing Management subject is creative and analyse the customer demand. Before I had decided to study Event Marketing, I've been looking for a job which can relate with event manager or origanizer. My main reason I would like to be a organiser, which create in wedding ceremony and food and beverage sector. Last a few period event organisation wasn't well known in the business but now Thai economy has risen and many brand product need to advertise and make brand products become popular. So they need event site to build the event campaign and the main point they give the high fees.

Usefel websites relate with my subject Event Management

This month I have a big assey writting in topic "Summarise the main effects of globalisation and discuss to what extent thery are beneficial to my subject area"

I have found some interesting websites which are relate with Event Marketing Management and globalisation.

I think about my asaay what should I write on and what topics I will give in the assey. I noted the topic I will put on...

  1. Introduction>> What is the globalisation, give the defination first.

  2. How event and globalisation related.

  3. Example of Globalization Event.

  4. Benefits and Drawnacks.

I think maybe this websites are useful to the assey




Welcome Manchester United Class

On Monday 18 August:

The first day of last month in Pre- sessional course in LondonMet, I've had same teacher who had ever taught me before and new teaher name Dilek. The first day had new projects both of full assey and presentation at the end of team.

Steve's clsass analzied the following sentences:

1.How would you EXPRESS THE ESSENCE of your subject? (I.E. Can you explain in one or two clear sentences what your subject is about?)

- My subject in the future is Event Marketing Management. It is suitable for the person who is aiming to work in events marketing, marketing events, event management, or related roles within corporate marketing departments.

2. The key concept of Event management.

- I am going to know how to seccessful in Event Marketing Management because I can learn both of maeket and management as the same times. As the purpose of LondonMet mentioned that "at senior level in the events industry, it is the event marketers who not only deliver marketing strategies, but also devise the event concepts. It is the events managers who deliver these concepts."

3. What is the ANALYTICAL FRAMEWORK of your subject (i.e. what modules would be taught on an undergraduate course)?

-Next team I need to study

  • Event and Live Media Industries

  • Events Marketing

  • Managing the Service Sector

  • Financing Events

  • Research Methods for Leisure and Tourism

Those subjects are quite related the main undergraduate subject due to I was studying Hotel and Tourism Management. So I think I have a basic knowlege of Marketing and method for tourism.

Friday, 8 August 2008

Practising arguments and counter arguments

Today in the first class, Ian gave the exercise gow to write argrument and conter sentencs.
So I chose to rewrite number 5 and 8 at page41.

5) 'University education should be free for all' To what extent do you agree with this statement?

It is widely believed that education is a universal right and that universities should therefore be open to all those who wish to undertake higer education studies. On the other hand, if the country has too many students, so universities cannot get all of students without tehm paying and universities should selected the students who have high enough level to study in.

8) ' The danger of the Internet are greater than the benefits it brings.' To what extent do you agree with this statement?

Although many people say that there are risks involved in using the internet, bit although an internet is useful for students and people who would like to search the acknowlege and finds benefit information, futhermore they can feel comfortable and realx in the same times with internet entertainment such as watching movie and listening radio or music. The user should use an internet in correct way.

Thursday, 7 August 2008

Check academic words in Introdection

File produced at level 10

In ancient time, media didn't have a variety kinds of media ,for example television, radio and internet. People could only achieved the news and information from black and white television or listened voice drama and music from radio.
In the recent time medias are becoming influenced for new generations due to all of them can select what kinds of media they want to access. It is widely believed that dangerous behaviour are influenced from the present media. The number of people consider that some program of media both of television and internet are the sample of violent behaviour for the new generations. In 2007, in United State; students in the Virginia Tech university were shot by the gunman in the university, most people and policemen believed that the gunman had influenced from the movies which he had watched.
Whereas in this time medias has affected with people and youths, so the family would like to live in a safety world without influenced by the media, how the government and people can solve the problem in order to we can live in the safety media.

From the result, I know by myself I should more improve in writing and use academic words as much as I can. Some sentences were not clarify and reader didn't understand what did it mean.

Wednesday, 6 August 2008

Evaluate myself after seminar

After the seminar, I needed to evaluate what level i should to improve....

First of all, I needed to improve speaking skill because sometimes my colleagues didn't understand what did I say and I should to speak and give some opinions as much as I can, one of my classmate told me that I should speack much more in the classroom and communicated with another friends during the break. A day before seminar I prepared the information and resources from the newspaper and an internet, it helped me alot because I could reference and gave the accurate details and I though that I gave the clarify example, reasons and support the evidence.
In some sentences I used wrong grammar and arranged some words wrong, so I needed to read and practice more than usual.

Relative Clauses

Form of Relative Clause

How to form relative clauses in the sentence

  • who
    subject or object pronoun for people
    I told you about the woman who lives next door.

  • which
    subject or object pronoun for animals and things
    Do you see the cat which is lying on the roof?

  • which
    referring to a whole sentence
    He couldn’t read which surprised me.

  • whose
    possession for people animals and things
    Do you know the boy whose mother is a nurse?

  • whom
    object pronoun for people, especially in non-defining relative clauses (in defining relative clauses we colloquially prefer who)
    I was invited by the professor whom I met at the conference.

  • that
    subject or object pronoun for people, animals and things in defining relative clauses (who or which are also possible)
    I don’t like the table that stands in the kitchen.

Relative Adverbs

  • when=in/on which
    refers to a time expression>>>the day when we met him

  • where=in/at which
    refers to a place>>>the place where we met him

  • why=for which
    refers to a reason>>>the reason why we met him

Defining Relative Clauses:
Defining relative clauses (also called identifying relative clauses or restrictive relative clauses) give detailed information defining a general term or expression. Defining relative clauses are not put in commas.

For example: I received a letter this morning which made me really happy.

Non-Defining Relative Clauses:
Non-defining relative clauses (also called non-identifying relative clauses or non-restrictive relative clauses) give additional information on something, but do not define it. Non-defining relative clauses are put in commas.

For example: My love friend, who lives in Thailand, is having a baby.

Website for practice Relative Clauses.

If the students would like to learn more gramma and do the excercise, you can visit at

CCTV and DNA database case

During this week in the class is talking about the sceiece technology topic, therefore, I would like to give the example of technology science case.

Since May,2007 the big head news on every newspapers were a daughter in McCanns falimly has been disappeared from the resort during their holidays. Until now the dectectives and policemen couldn't find the accurate evidence and criminal even they have been finding the evidence by science technology by CCTV and DNA data base.

First of all the detectives found the evidence by CCTV how the girl was disappeared from the room, had she been murder or kidnapping. After that the police checked DNA from her parents and compared with the evidences. Once a time Kate McCanns was accused that she killed her daughter but the DNA from evidence showns that she was innocent. Then all of detectives and police needed to find a new evidence around the suspect area and people.

Today headline on Metro newspaper has a new deatils about McCans case. From CCTV in Amsterdam, one girl showed on the screen looked like Madeleine McCaan ans also she called her name Maddie. So the police can get a new evidence from CCTV

It indicates that science technology has more useful for police ans detective, some people think that if the government install CCTV around the city even tube station, it will infringe the private life but in the opposit way the government concerns citizens safe life not focus on privacy.

In this case it can shows CCTV is handful for the police can get more evidence to find the pity girl who has been lost from parents.

Tuesday, 5 August 2008

Feedback in seminar

On Tuesday 5 August, 2008 at Ian class we had a seminar about CCTV and survillance.

We were talking about technology tagging, majority of people agreed that if person who are out on ex-convict, they dont need to put technology tagging because we believe that they are humans to us so the police don't need to put the tagging on criminal. As and alernative, the police can do frequent check up on the progress of he subjects.

CCTV( closed circuit television) in the bbc news said thathome CCTV can reduce the criminal activities. We can conclude that we prefer to have more CCTV placed in England because citizens need more safety in life and in public. Some people don't agree to have more CCTV due to the reason that hey need more private life and don't need somebody to track and look at them all the times. United Kingdom is popular and well known in CCV.

Finger print is accurate to identify criminal activities because such person has a unique finger and footprint. Each person has a different idea in which their importance differ.
5 people agreed that CCTV is the most important because CCTV operates 24 hours. Police can catch the criminal activities through CCTV. The police can also observe suspect situation, they can help and find the solutions immediately.
DNA database is suitable for serious criminal such as kiddnaping or rape criminal.
The police can identify the unique evidence such as hair or skin can proof everything.

Regarding the finger print, all of us decided that finger print is useful for future.
Since 28 April 2008, in UK need the application's finger print because they need to recognise personal detail in order to protect the criminal.

I think that in the future technology will develop and I hope the criminal will decrease and become peaceful as well.

Friday, 1 August 2008

Fighting crime with science seminar

On Friday 1 August,2008

We had a lecture about fight crime with science, we got more knowledge about how to proof the evidences from the murder or the person who done a mistake.
the policemen have a lot of sciences, materials and chemicals to find the evidence.
I’ve got the technical of police to find the evidences

1. DNA stand for Deoxyribonucleic acid, at the present time the police find the evidence department use DNA to find the evidence from the murder.
and it is surely to specific the murder because nobody has the same DNA except twin and parents. They can check from skins, blood and hair.

2. Footprint: are typically used by the prosecution to prove an individual committed a crime, or at least were present at the scene of a crime and could have committed it. Footprints are not as unique as a fingerprint or DNA evidence, but under the right circumstances, they can be enough for a criminal conviction. When the prosecution looks at a footprint as evidence of criminal activity. in the lib, I saw from the video lecture, the chemical use the black paper and then push the brush on the black paper and turn it back, during painting it use the chemical to make the foot mark appear after that wait time about 1 minute so the foot mark will appear on the paper.

3. CCTV (Closed-circuit television)is the use of video cameras to transmit a signal to a specific, limited set of monitors. In London has CCTV more than 4000 for looking around the city even on the road and tube stations. In each day our face are shown on the CCTV about 3000 times per day, it shows that in the city; everywhere has CCTV for look and protect the criminal and also it can identify the murder as well

4. Eyes Scan; it use in the building before enter in, id the eyes are not recognize by the memory, the scanner will reject immediately, I think it is good to protect the stranger and criminal because it can protect at the firs time.
During I was seeing the video lecture, I realized that every process in the lab for finding a evidence is carefully and seriously in order to correctly specific the murder

Thursday, 31 July 2008

Schwa Pronounciaion

The red words are schawa pronounciation

Giant crocs once swam in Channel
by MILES ERWIN - Thursday, July 31, 2008

If you go for a dip in the Channel these days, the worst thing you face is raw sewage or being hit by a ferry.

But 50million years ago, it was more the threat of giant crocodiles, great white sharks and sea snakes that would have preyed on your mind.
In those times, the area between Paris and London was a tropical lagoon teeming with the most diverse marine life on the planet, say Natural History Museum researchers.

Our shallow waters were more akin to the seas around Indonesia or Thailand today, with their hot and humid weather, too. The only creatures missing would be mammals such as whales and dolphins, which were only just evolving, said the museum's palaeontologist, Dr Jon Todd.

The discovery followed a study, published in the journal Science, of how tropical hotspots move around the planet in line with the shifting of tectonic plates. Sadly, much like any decent weather, the warmth moved on.

The sticky climate changed completely over the next 30million years as the plates moved and built mountains in the Middle East.

European waters were isolated from the warmth of the Indian ocean and the heat moved to the more familiar location of south-east Asia. puzzle, said fellow palaeontologist Dr Ken Johnson.
'They allowed us to map out the changing geographical spread of tropical biodiversity as the hotspot hopped around the world,' he said.

Interesting Vocabuaries

  1. sewage(n)= waste carried off with ground waer.
  2. prey(n)= an animals hunted or caught for food.
  3. lagoon(n)= a shallow body water.
  4. teeming(v)= to abound or swarm
  5. diverse(adj)=district.
  6. marine(adj)=relating to the sea.
  7. akin(adj)=relate

Wednesday, 30 July 2008

Jim's homework

Fill in the gap

The 1)report… of this paper is to consider the nature of moral education in Soviet children’s literature. It is particularly 2)……---……. with the moral values presented in books published with the 3)…lecture.... of teaching reading at primary school. The thesis 4)…is having... of four parts. The first part attempts to 5)…gather... a number of general questions relating to children’s literature from any historical period. Parts 2,3 and 4 are 6)...related... specifically to the Soviet example. Part 2 is 7) …divided… into three main sections, the first of which discusses the nature of the Soviet value system with a particular 8)…job… on the work ethic.

correct answer

1) aim
2) concerned
3) purpose
4) consits
5) address
7) divided
8) focus

Introduction (Assignment1)


B) We live in a world in which we are dangerously influenced by media image

In ancient time, media didn’t have a variety kinds of media ,for example television, radio and internet. People could only achieved the news and information from black and white television or listened voice drama and music from radio.
In the recent time medias are becoming influenced for new generations due to all of them can select what kinds of media they want to access. It is widely believed that dangerous behaviour are influenced from the present media. The number of people consider that some program of media both of television and internet are the sample of violent behaviour for the new generations. In 2007, in United State; students in the Virginia Tech university were shot by the gunman in the university, most people and policemen believed that the gunman had influenced from the movies which he had watched.
Whereas in this time medias has affected with people and youths, so the family would like to live in a safety world without influenced by the media, how the government and people can solve the problem in order to we can live in the safety media.

Tuesday, 15 July 2008

Cheeky ram

Yesterday during the way to the university, I saw the interesting a small column on the front of page of Metro newspaper.
In the south of London Cardiff, Mr. Palmer who have looked after the ram for 3 years. He said that a ram was born out of parents and he tried to find a farmer who would like to take care it but no one contact him, so he didn’t have a choice he had to pick it up to his home. He fed it by fresh milk and tasty biscuits and then he allowed the cheeky ram to sleep on the bed with him but now it is over weight to sleep on it.
It is unbelievable, he loves to eat rose bushes, he can eat the whole of rose bushes ground.
A ram is to be the part of Mr. Palmer’s family; furthermore, he pretended to be a security guard to protect his family.
Mr. Palmber believed that his own ram could bring good luck for his son’s rugby team and it is a good company for his family


  1. reintroduce(v)= suggest, introduce

  2. bleating(n)= the cry of a goat or sheep

  3. cushion(n)= a soft pad or pillow to sit

  4. settee(n)=a wooden bench with a high back

  5. hedge(n)=a fence

  6. mascot(n) a person or animal believed to bring good luck

Tuesday, 8 July 2008

Event Marketing

Thueday 8th July 2008:

After Pre-sessional course, I will intend to study Master Degree in subject Marketing Event Management becuse I would to be a organizer to plan the wedding party or advertising event in my country( Thailand). Yesterday i read the interesting article about event marketing, it was written by the person who success in marketting.

Promoting events inside your event :
He talked about how to successdul to make events. First of all the organizer should have a good plan and spare time to do the event just in case they can solve the unexpected problem and the important it should be attractive people and make them feel excited to visit the events.
It should not the same or normal events same as another event. And add something or main point to increase the valuable in your event.


  1. Enhance(v)= to make greater, as in value or beauty.
  2. Catalyst(n)= a substance that modifies and it can be increase the rate of a chemical reaction
  3. Handouts(n)= brochures
  4. Notch(n)= narrow pass between mountain/ (v)= shaped cut


Tennis Wimbledon

Last Sunday 6th July, it was a final round tennis Wimbledon between Rafael Nadal and Roger Federer. People around the world included me was push forward our tennis player who would be the champion in tennis wimbledon. I am always supporting Roger Federer but this year he failed the the gam and the the next gereation Rafael Nadal was become a champion tennis wimbledon in 2008. He said that during the game he couldnt see anything, he would like only to stop the gamne which was playing for a long time around 4 hours. The weather on Sunday was so bad, it was raining and darkness but Nadal was continue good playing until he could won the game.

The score of the game: 6-4, 6-4, 6-7, (5-7), 6-7, (8-10), 9-

Friday, 4 July 2008

Interesting websites for improving English Skill

Friday 4th July 2008:

I would like to recommend the website which I think it is handle for students who would like to improve English skill and now studying academic English as Pre-sessional course


Belonging by British Council and there is having varieties of content for every average of ages. For people who can not study in UK, the other ways to study by British Council acceptability, there located worldwide so unlimited to study English by British Council. After that this website has English skill levels, all ofpeople who interested in English studying can realize that what the level they are. Furthermore many ways to practice and improve English by reading magazines, review gramma by visiting this website.


The first page of website has varieties of language, choose the own langauge if prefer. For the purpose to study academic English or business English; the website is containing the best way to who interested in. In addition the website regards the categories for language development both listening, gramma included academic vocabuaries. Suitabilityvfor the students who studying academic English.


Mostly recommened this website due to the recommandable person is weakness in gramma therefore this website is the best way more understanding in gramma meanwhile there is having another category such question about gramma, example of sentence and essay&reserch papper. Although the first page is not attractive but the sources of knowledge in the website are the most interesting.

Similarity and difference the culture in diferrece countries

On Friday 4th July 2008:

In the group discussion had a topic to cpmapre the cultures in each countries were diffrences and similarities, so the results were some cultres are differnce and some cutures are similarity. In the group had 4 different countries; Thailand, Taiwan, Morocco and Japan.

Speaking: In 4 countries are quite difference cause of in Morocco is naturally speaking loudly between friends, familiy included bussiness meeting as well, it is not seem to be argrument but is is ordinarily communication in Morocco and Taiwan agree with the speaking loudly culture as well because most Taiwan people are speaking loundly, it is originally culture on both of countries.
Meanwhile in Japan is not allow to speak loudly and should communicate with slowly and respectable, cause of seniority system and it seem to be polite, as well as Thailand; similar as culture and tradition.

Eatting: 2 coubtries, Thailand and Japan agree that eatting with mouth open is very impolite but some case Japan not agree with making slurp during having a meal.
Because Japanese people believe that while eating noodles or soup all of them are alway slurping noodles and soup, it seem to be fantastic meals as good as Taiwan eatting culture.
However Thailand and Morocco are strongly agree with should not open the mouth or make a noise during the meal.

Emptying the nose: In Japan is emptying the nose is completely rude, the culture force them to do empty nose only the toilets, the same time Taiwan, Morocco and Thailand decided that doing empty nose was ordinarily behavior.

Draft by own laguage( My first assignment)

Quesionnaire about fashion

Since many decades fashion has always changing constantly therefore most people are always influenced and persuaded to purchase fashionable garments to fulfil their needs means that people would require to have a lot of money to purchase trendy garments. Fashion goes around in circle the circulation this means that previous fashion can come back and be popular at the present tome. As the young generations both males and females are becoming more self-conscious which results in them following every steps of fashion. So it is useful to research how much the students in London Metropolitan University in Pre-sessional course spend money on their shopping, and how frequently do they shop during 1 month, as well as their influences on the purchase and which the garments do they buy mostly.

The purpose of this report is to investigate the students of LondonMet regarding how often do they shop, how much they usually spend on each shopping and what are their influences while which kinds of garment they buy mostly.


The sample

The sample size was 32. These respondents were different in terms of gender. The total size of 32 were divided into 16 for males and 22 for females.

Data Collection

The data were analyzes from the questionnaires which contained 5 questions about how often the students do shop, how much money were spent and their influences with garments.


The main finding for this research is to concentrate on the buying behaviour of students in Pre- sessional course at LondonMet about their shopping. This includes how much money was spent on each shopping trip as well as their influences.

From the first bar chat of how much money the students spent money on their shopping, it presented that females were spend money more than males under 100 pounds by 63.34 percent.
The question regards how often students do shopping. The graph show that females do shop more frequently than males by a half, which is a more than 3 times a month whereas males are seldom shopping in 6.25 percent.

The influence of shopping in the bar chart illustrates that males equally influenced by all types of media, whereas females are more self confident in their own unique style, as they are not influenced by any types of media shown in the percentages of 38.46. However, poster has least ability to influence females shown in the percentages just over than a tenth.

The last bar chart shows which garments the students in LondonMet buy the most.
The result show that males buy clothes mostly by 43.75 percent meanwhile females are spent slightly less than male approximately 40.91 percents.

Wednesday, 2 July 2008

Research Questionnaire


This is a survey research for processional course at London Metropolitan University. The research aims to find out what London Metropolitan University students think about fashion, if they’re influenced by latest fashion and how much do you spend on.

General details

1)Gender: ( ) Male ( )Female

2) Age: ( )18-20 ( ) 21-25 ( ) 26-30

( ) 31-35 ( ) 36-40 ( ) more than 40

3) Educations:
( ) Senior high school ( ) undergraduate ( ) postgraduate ( ) PhD

4)Do you have a part time job? ((If yes please answer question 5, if no skip to answer question 6)
( )Yes ( ) No

5) How much do you earn per month from the part time job?
( ) Under 300pounds ( ) 300-400pounds
( ) 400-500pounds ( )More than 500pounds

6) How much money do you get per month from the sponsors?
( ) Under 500pounds ( ) 500-600pounds
( ) 600-700pounds ( ) More than 700pounds

7) Which kinds of the sources for fashion are influencing in your shopping (you can choose more than one answer)?
( ) Magazine ( ) Newspaper ( ) TV commercial ( ) Poster

8) How often do you shop in per month (just for fashion like clothes or accessories)?
( ) Once a month ( ) Twice a month
( ) Thrice a month ( ) More than three times in a month

9) How much do you spend on shopping per month(just for fashion like clothes or accessories)?( ) Under 100 pounds ( ) 100-200 pounds
( ) 200-300 pounds ( ) More than 300pounds

10). Which kinds of stuff do you buy?
( ) Clothes ( ) Shoes ( ) Accessories ( ) The other thingsthe other things( )____________

11) What do you think about Fashion?Answer:

Tuesday, 1 July 2008

10 new words

On Monday 30th June 2008

In Helen class; she gave us a homework to find 10 new words and gave the own definition and made the sentence. it was a good chace to know a new words by myself and from my classmates.

1. Procrasinate(v) = delay, to put off till another day or time.

= My brother is always procrasinate his assignments until the deadline.

2. Provocative(adj) and (n) = stimulating

= I would like to be a successful people and having alot of moneys so I do a hard working and I 've had my provocative is Bill Gate

3. Penalty(n) =punishment

= In final round football match between Chelsea and Maschester United, a captain of Chealsea had a chance to do a penalty but unluckily the ground was slippery then it made he lost the goal.

4. Feasible (adj) <fee-zuh-buh> =possible, workable

= Every assignmets there are feasible done them easily if you are attemp to find informations and review the lessons everyday.

5. Convention(n) =meeting or formal assembly

= In annual, the office has a big convention to evaluate all of stuffs and the results at the end of year and give the responds to them.

6. Weird (adj) = suggesting the supernatural, fantastic

= A unuasual man can survive by eatting raw food especially chicken and dog, he's a weird human.

7. Diagnose (v) =determine the identity of a disease or illness

= A doctor diagnose pateints' symptom accurately without medical technology.

8. Hooligan (n) = a person who causes trouble at football match

= Nearly every football matches a football player always to be a hooligan to the opposite football team.

9. Confetti (n) = colourful pappers use in wedding ceremony to spread to the bride and groom

= In the wedding party, when a bride and groom enter in the party, the participations spread the confetti to them in order to cerebrate to them.

10. Uptight (adj) = nervous, annoyed or angry

= 2 or 3 days before I have the exam I'm always uptight and cannot eat anything until I finish my exam.

Sunday, 29 June 2008

Finally who is the win in Euro 2008

Spain claimed their first major title for 44 years after winning Euro 2008 with a deserved victory over Germany.
Liverpool striker Fernando Torres was Spain's goal hero, striking after 33 minutes when he cleverly lifted Xavi's pass over Germany keeper Jens Lehmann.
Spain dominated the final throughout, with Torres heading against the post and Marcos Senna almost adding a second from close range after 80 minutes.
Michael Ballack came close for Germany, shooting narrowly wide after the break.
I'm delighted that the best team, playing the best football in one of the best tournaments ever, wins it
Spain have long had a reputation as under-achievers on the big occasions, but this was a richly-merited victory for veteran coach Luis Aragones and a team that played outstanding football throughout the tournament.
Germany were outclassed, and for captain Ballack his catalogue of misery in major finals continues having lost two Champions League finals and also been suspended for the 2002 World Cup final when they lost to Brazil.
Match-winner Torres enhanced the reputation he forged at Liverpool last season, but this was an all-round effort for a side that is young enough to already be marked down among the favourites for the 2010 World Cup in South Africa.
Germany were lifted by Ballack declaring himself fit after a calf injury - but he had little impact on a first 45 minutes in which Spain were the vastly-superior side.
Andres Iniesta almost created the opening goal for Spain in the 13th minute when his driven cross took a deflection off Christoph Metzelder, but Lehmann pulled off a fine reflex save.
And they came even closer nine minutes later when Torres rose to meet Sergio Ramos's cross, but his header bounced to safety off the post.
But he was not to be denied and put Spain ahead with a trademark piece of sharpness in front of goal after 33 minutes.
Xavi's pass created uncertainty for Germany defender Philipp Lahm and Torres shrugged him off the ball to lift a superb finish beyond Lehmann.
Germany's problems threatened to worsen when Ballack needed lengthy treatment for an eye wound after a clash of heads with Marcos Senna.
David Silva then wasted a perfect opportunity to double Spain's advantage when he was set up by Iniesta, but he rushed his finish and shot wildly over the top.
Germany made a change at half-time, sending on Marcell Jansen for Lahm, but it was still Spain who dominated.
Xavi and Silva were both off target - but Germany were sticking to their task and almost grabbed an equaliser when Ballack shot just wide after Carles Puyol had conceded possession in a dangerous area.
Spain continued to look the more threatening side, but there was still the lingering prospect of Germany's refusal to accept defeat yielding an unlikely equaliser.

Casillas lifted the Henri Delaunay trophy for Spain
Silva was fortunate to stay on the pitch when he appeared to motion to head-butt Germany's Lukas Podolski, but Italian referee Roberto Rosetti decided against taking any action.
Ramos should have put the game beyond Germany's reach after 66 minutes when he headed straight at Lehmann from point-blank range as he got on the end of Xavi's free-kick.
Iniesta then had a shot cleared off the line by Torsten Frings and another effort saved by Lehmann as Spain looked in the mood to add a second.
And Germany had a remarkable escape after 80 minutes when substitute Daniel Guiza - on for Torres - headed the ball straight into Senna's path right in front of goal, but he could not apply the final touch.
Spain were not made to pay for their generosity in front of goal and ran out worthy winners.
>>>>This is new update for Spain football fanclubs and I would like to congratulation as well. This evening my friend and I sat in the pub for cheered football Euro 2008 and I'v had update news to share my friends.
Some interesting Vocabuarys.....
1. Deserve(v) = merit
2. Victory(n)= a successful struggle against an opponent.
3. Veteran(n)= one of long experience in a given activity.
4. Misery(n) = prolonged or extreme suffering.
5 Bounced(v)= to rebound elastically from a collosion.
6. Shrugged(v)= to raise ( the shoulders) as agesture of doubt.
7. Linger(v)= to remain as though reluctant to leave.