Wednesday 2 July 2008

Research Questionnaire


This is a survey research for processional course at London Metropolitan University. The research aims to find out what London Metropolitan University students think about fashion, if they’re influenced by latest fashion and how much do you spend on.

General details

1)Gender: ( ) Male ( )Female

2) Age: ( )18-20 ( ) 21-25 ( ) 26-30

( ) 31-35 ( ) 36-40 ( ) more than 40

3) Educations:
( ) Senior high school ( ) undergraduate ( ) postgraduate ( ) PhD

4)Do you have a part time job? ((If yes please answer question 5, if no skip to answer question 6)
( )Yes ( ) No

5) How much do you earn per month from the part time job?
( ) Under 300pounds ( ) 300-400pounds
( ) 400-500pounds ( )More than 500pounds

6) How much money do you get per month from the sponsors?
( ) Under 500pounds ( ) 500-600pounds
( ) 600-700pounds ( ) More than 700pounds

7) Which kinds of the sources for fashion are influencing in your shopping (you can choose more than one answer)?
( ) Magazine ( ) Newspaper ( ) TV commercial ( ) Poster

8) How often do you shop in per month (just for fashion like clothes or accessories)?
( ) Once a month ( ) Twice a month
( ) Thrice a month ( ) More than three times in a month

9) How much do you spend on shopping per month(just for fashion like clothes or accessories)?( ) Under 100 pounds ( ) 100-200 pounds
( ) 200-300 pounds ( ) More than 300pounds

10). Which kinds of stuff do you buy?
( ) Clothes ( ) Shoes ( ) Accessories ( ) The other thingsthe other things( )____________

11) What do you think about Fashion?Answer:

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