Friday, 4 July 2008

Draft by own laguage( My first assignment)

Quesionnaire about fashion

Since many decades fashion has always changing constantly therefore most people are always influenced and persuaded to purchase fashionable garments to fulfil their needs means that people would require to have a lot of money to purchase trendy garments. Fashion goes around in circle the circulation this means that previous fashion can come back and be popular at the present tome. As the young generations both males and females are becoming more self-conscious which results in them following every steps of fashion. So it is useful to research how much the students in London Metropolitan University in Pre-sessional course spend money on their shopping, and how frequently do they shop during 1 month, as well as their influences on the purchase and which the garments do they buy mostly.

The purpose of this report is to investigate the students of LondonMet regarding how often do they shop, how much they usually spend on each shopping and what are their influences while which kinds of garment they buy mostly.


The sample

The sample size was 32. These respondents were different in terms of gender. The total size of 32 were divided into 16 for males and 22 for females.

Data Collection

The data were analyzes from the questionnaires which contained 5 questions about how often the students do shop, how much money were spent and their influences with garments.


The main finding for this research is to concentrate on the buying behaviour of students in Pre- sessional course at LondonMet about their shopping. This includes how much money was spent on each shopping trip as well as their influences.

From the first bar chat of how much money the students spent money on their shopping, it presented that females were spend money more than males under 100 pounds by 63.34 percent.
The question regards how often students do shopping. The graph show that females do shop more frequently than males by a half, which is a more than 3 times a month whereas males are seldom shopping in 6.25 percent.

The influence of shopping in the bar chart illustrates that males equally influenced by all types of media, whereas females are more self confident in their own unique style, as they are not influenced by any types of media shown in the percentages of 38.46. However, poster has least ability to influence females shown in the percentages just over than a tenth.

The last bar chart shows which garments the students in LondonMet buy the most.
The result show that males buy clothes mostly by 43.75 percent meanwhile females are spent slightly less than male approximately 40.91 percents.

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