Friday 22 August 2008

Summarise " More open trade raises income and the incomes of the poor"

Today I had to present and summaried the article " More open trade raises incomes and the incomes of the poor" I could listed the summaries as.....

In November,2001 World Bank in Doha, Qatar had agreement to support the economy and income of the country by unlocked low income countries out of rich country.There is a growing consensus that greater openness to tradional trade has a positive effect on country income.

The impact of freer trade on the incomes of the poor suggest that higher average incomes in country are generally associated with higher incomes of the poor this can like applies to incomes increase caused by more trade. However, success of international trade opening often affected by climate and quality of intituion and other factors so that means it cannot guarantee the outcome of the county becase it depends on the factors.

Feedback of my presentation

I think I need to improve speaking skill and more practice in presentation because during I was presenting, I was nervous and can't complied the sentence. So next presentation I must practice speaking as much as I can and memorize by heart.

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