Friday, 8 August 2008

Practising arguments and counter arguments

Today in the first class, Ian gave the exercise gow to write argrument and conter sentencs.
So I chose to rewrite number 5 and 8 at page41.

5) 'University education should be free for all' To what extent do you agree with this statement?

It is widely believed that education is a universal right and that universities should therefore be open to all those who wish to undertake higer education studies. On the other hand, if the country has too many students, so universities cannot get all of students without tehm paying and universities should selected the students who have high enough level to study in.

8) ' The danger of the Internet are greater than the benefits it brings.' To what extent do you agree with this statement?

Although many people say that there are risks involved in using the internet, bit although an internet is useful for students and people who would like to search the acknowlege and finds benefit information, futhermore they can feel comfortable and realx in the same times with internet entertainment such as watching movie and listening radio or music. The user should use an internet in correct way.

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