Monday 8 September 2008

What leads to success?????

Go to>>>

Before we are doing the exam on Wednesday, we tried to listen and lecture from an internet>> with topic how to success, is it lucky???

I was a quite understood what he said and what was about??

What leads to success in your life or people are lucky??

It could be divided into 8 parts in successful in life

  1. Passion(n)= doing something with love and care not only doing for money.

  2. Work= work for fun and workaholic. Some people are hard work, they were becoming workaholic and seriouly everything.

  3. Focus= focus or concentrate only one thing, it will be susscessful.

  4. Persist= it is widely believed that a person who has a persistence that are successful in carrer and study.

  5. Idea= it should listen, observe, curcious, ask question and problem solve.

  6. Good

  7. Push= you should push yourself not another push you. you should have motivation doing something and doing with your mind.

  8. Serve= serve knowledge and opinion as a doctor.

4 things make you failure..

  • Criticism

  • Reject

  • Asshole

  • Pressure

Do You Know The big News>>>risen oyster card

It is a bad news for people and forign students>>>Why does transport need to rise the fee?

The mayor of transportation in London agreed to risen the fare fee due to he need increased fares were needed to pay for massive investments into new rail links and better services.

Now the the price of a single paper ticket for the underground will now cost at least £4.

On the one hand, Oyster fares that haven't risen include a single journey on the Tube, which is still £1.50, and the peak-time bus fares remain at £1.

What kinds of oyster card do you use and Do u have the effect in risen price?


  • fork(v)= split

(n)= the material we use during the meal

  • exorbitant(adj)= excessive, over priced

Friday 5 September 2008

Successfull in presentation on Tuesday

On Tuesday 9 September 2008, we will have professional presrntation in topic ' Effect of globalisation on our subject. So i find some more information in presentation how to successful...

First of all we need to know the needs of our audience and match our contents to their needs.

Secondly, we need to really understand though in material, then practice before real presentation then we will know on strong and weak point of presentation. During we are presrnting we should have eye contact to the audience and pretend to be an actor and performing to the audiences. Futhermore, dress appropriately for the occasion, present the desired image to our audience.

Look pleasant, enthusiastic, confident, proud, but not arrogant. Remain calm. Appear relaxed, even if we feel nervous. We have to make sure that our voice is strong and loud enough.

Coming into the last one, we should have body language with the audience in order to making enjoyable atmosphere.


Goog Luck All of My Love Friend

The diferrence between to infinitive and V+ing

Summarize grammar before the exam.

Some verbs are followed by to+V inf but not V+ing;

Verb with>>>agree, aim, ask, decline, demand, fail, hesitate, hope, hurry ,manage, offer, plan, prepare, refuse, want, wish.

Some verbs are followed by V+ing but not to V+inf;

Verb with>>>admit, avoid, consider, delay, deny, detest, dread, feel like, finish, imagine, miss ,risk and suggest

But Some verbs can follow by V+inf and V+ing but in the meaning of sentence will be changed as well>>>> begin, cease, start and continue. However it normally avoid using V+ing becuase it repeats pattern can sound like uncomfortable.

For example; He is starting to write the Globalization eassay >>not He is starting writing the Globalization eassay.


The verbs advise and encouraeg are followed by V+ing but if there is no object and V+inf when there is one such as....
  • She'd advise taking more excercise

  • I would advise you to take more excercise

Then the verbs can followed by both of V+inf and V+ing>>>come,go on, mean ,regret, remember, stop and try.

How differnt meaning

  • He stopped to make a cup of coffee>>> meaned that why he stop doing something.

  • They stopped laughing when I walked inside>>> mean that what it is that they stop doing.

Practice Paraphrasing Skill


When you paraphrase another author's writing you rewrite their argument using your own words, phrasing and interpreting it in your own way.

How to paraphrase:

  • Change the vocabulary.

  • Reorganise the structure of the argument.

  • Cite the author directly, for example.
For instance; the yellow book page 30:

The paraphrase(1):

It is generally considered that every year has bicycling death more than a thousand and head injuries are the main caused. The evidencence can prove that bike helmet is the best protector to secure in head injuries because of it absorb and soften (Smith,1990).

The paraphrase(2):

According to the skycraper, Sear Tower was built by William Lemessurier is going to be the argrument between architectors becuse they don't want to have a world's highest building. On the one hand, other architectors, Robert Sobel agree in countinuing to produce the tallest building (Bachman,1990:15).

Monday 1 September 2008

Bye Bye Olympic in Beijing>>>come to London in 2012

On Sunday 24th August 2008, the Beijing Game had officially come to the end of Olympic.

Sixteen days, 204 countries, thousands of athletes, 43 world records and countless lasting memories. China had the greatest closing ceremony show by the thoudsand of fireworks, song by popular singers in each countries included Leona Lewis, the representative of the Great Britain and David Beckhams had participation also and dance and the athletes themselves.

It could be shown that China was not weakness and poor country and in addition the China was well known in unequal human right anymore. They became a nation and international country in tourism and business industry owing to China has had many labours and resources.

But in the other side, China was accused the committees were not unfair inthe games and the little singer girl was not the real voice and fake fireworks as well. In gerneral the Olympic in China was the greatest and wounderful for another country and it could made people around the world were impressive and good memorize for a long time. Next Olympic in 2012, the London takes over to be the host. At the Olympic in Beijing event organisers were well done in planning management and marketing because they specified the appropriate date as 8/8/o8( 8 August 2008) it was easy memory and they believed that it was luckiness date then well organization in place and amazing show, they could present the real tradition and culture of China. We are waiting to look forward London host of Olympic in 2012.

Thursday 28 August 2008

Dilek homework

Summarise the sentence

Most people believed that the cause of death language is not from Englisg language but it depends on government in each countries had decided which language should be monolingual.